Retro-Active Positive Material ID Inspection
PMI (Positive Material Identification) testing is the analysis of materials to determine the chemical composition.
Knowing the exact composition and grade of an alloy enables suppliers, plant workers, and other responsible parties to match alloy specifications. Techniques and methods deployed include Portable X-Ray Flourescene (XRF), Optimal Emission Spectroscopy (OES), Ferrite Testing, and Hardness Testing.
The Advanced Retro PMI inspection program is utilized as a multi-feature system minimizing the amount of insulation and scaffolding needed, while indentifying , documenting, and verifying material specifications while in service.

Advantages of PMI:
- Rapid and accurate analysis
- Determines material composition
- Leaves no trace of testing on test sample
Advanced PMI Services
- Identify material specifications
- Determine non-conformance chemistries
- Label components on isometrics in ACAD
- Coordinate craft support
- Perform QAQC inspection of results
- Document findings in client approved format
Advanced Retro PMI Services
- Identify systems to be inspected
- Indentify and verify material specifications
- Perform RBI to determine order of approach
- Can test pipes and vessels up to 1000F
- Determine non-conformance chemistries
- Update/revise specs and breaks on P&IDs and ISOs
- Coordinate craft support
- Locate hidden welds under insulation
- Priced per shot
- Rope access can limited scaffold insulation removal
Quality, Innovation & Service from One Company
We are the quality NDT Inspection Company that provides superior NDT Services!
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Advanced Corrosion Technologies and Training has quickly become one of the fastest growing Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Service Companies around.